The world’s best ball machine for padel
Padelmaster takes you to the next level faster than you think.
Build your own training programs
With the help of Padelmasters world-unique technology, you can easily build and customize your own training programs that enable repetitive training of match-like situations. Of course, you can also save your training programs in the app.
Easy and user-friendly app
It should be easy and it should be quick to get started with ball machine training. Use our pre-programmed shots or series of shots (training program). Then you are up and running in a few seconds with training adapted to your level.
Service and support 24/7
As the only player in the world, we offer service and support 24/7. If you represent a padel center, both you and your customers can call us with questions or problems.
Unique technology makes Padelmaster the market's best ball machine
Thanks to our innovative, thorough and customer-centric development process combined with unique technology, Padelmaster can create match-like situations based on the needs of the player and coach.
Easy and user-friendly app
Thanks to our user-friendly and simple app with unique functionality for building your own training programs (stroke series), Padelmaster has become very popular among both private individuals and padel centers. Download and test the app by searching on Padelmaster where you download apps.

Train like the pros
Training match-matched moments in volume is the best way for faster development.

Tobias Lagerström
“We are not experts in repairing and servicing ball machines.”

Robert & Anki
“With the help of Padelmaster, we have succeeded in building an additional income stream.”

Pernilla Hålen
“My customers say it’s a great machine and I’m seeing an increase in track rentals.”

Morgan Blom
“We see that the demand for ball machine training has increased in recent years and the Padelmaster is a really good machine.”

Build your own training programs in the APP
See how quickly you can get started with pre-programmed shots and series of shots plus how easy it is to build your own tailor made programs in the app. Just search for Padelmaster where you download apps.
It's all about the details
Hover your mouse/finger over the yellow dots to read more about the details

Padelmaster is developed and built by and for padel players.
Every single component in the machine is of higher quality than in other ball machines. The aim is to
create the most reliable ball machine on the market
The unique technology allows the shooting mechanism to move faster, both vertically and horizontally,
which means that Padelmaster can meet the needs of padel players.
Padelmaster is developed and built by and for padel players.

Padelmaster meets the players' needs
Distinct from all other ball machines on the market, the Padelmaster meets the needs of top players in the world as well as beginners and children.
It is not easy to understand which ball machine suits you best. When we evaluate whether a ball machine is good or not, we do so based on three different parameters:
1. Reliabillity & Operational safety
2. User friendly
3. Functionality

For padel centers, clubs and academies, we offer a service that includes a ball machine. Private individuals can buy the ball machine. As a trainer, you can choose between buying the machine or buying the service.
Price: 270 – 350 euro/month*
Satisfied customer guarantee
Support 24/7 (customers, trainers, staff & owners can call us 24/7)
Service (new machine within 1-3 days if the machine breaks down)
Ongoing education and recommendation in building a customer base
Insurance in the event of personal injury
* price is based on geographical area
Price: 5500 euro
2 year machine warranty
Support weekdays 09:00-16:00 (phone or email)
*For private individuals and trainers. Are you a trainer and planning to rent out the machine, so our offer for padel centers.
Padelmaster is a ball machine in the premium segment. Do you want a ball machine at a lower price? Contact us, and we can certainly find a good solution for you.

Anton Älmerod nivå: 6+
Padelmaster har hjälpt mig att ta ytterligare ett steg i min utveckling. Framförallt gillar jag att bygga mina egna slagserier där jag får med fötterna .

Alexander Lanz nivå: 7
“Du kan få vilken träning du vill. Då får en bättre bollsäkerhet och det är riktigt roligt.”
Daniel Appelgren nivå: proffs
“Det kan vara skillnaden mellan att vinna och förlora”